OpenVINO™ Calibration Tool

Inference Engine Calibration Tool calibrates a given FP32 model so that you can run calibrated model in low-precision 8-bit integer mode while keeping the input data of this model in the original precision. Inference Engine Calibration Tool is a Python* command-line tool, which imports Python types from the package.

Please, refer to for details.

Hardware requirements

Hardware requirements depend on a model. Typically for public models RAM memory size has to be not less then 16Gb, drive has to have not less then 30 Gb free space independently on operation system. Temporary directory is used to cache layers output during calibration.


The Calibration Tool is configured in the same way as the Accuracy Checker. You can also use additional command-line arguments to define calibration-specific parameters.

Command-Line Arguments for the Accuracy Checker Tool reused in Calibration Tool

Argument Type Description
-c, –config string Required. Path to the YML file with local configuration
-d, –definitions string Optional. Path to the YML file with definitions
-m, –models string Optional. Prefix path to the models and weights
-s, –source string Optional. Prefix path to the data source
-a, –annotations string Optional. Pefix path to the converted annotations and datasets meta data
-e, –extensions string Optional. Prefix path to extensions folder
–cpu_extensions_mode, –cpu-extensions-mode string Optional. specified preferable set of processor instruction for automatic searching cpu extension lib: avx2 or sse4
-C, –converted_models, –converted-models string Optional. Directory to store Model Optimizer converted models. Used for DLSDK launcher only
-M, –model_optimizer, –model-optimizer string Optional. Path to model optimizer caffe directory
–tf_custom_op_config_dir, –tf-custom-op-config-dir string Optional. Path to directory with tensorflow custom operation configuration files for model optimizer
–tf_obj_detection_api_pipeline_config_path, –tf-obj-detection-api-pipeline-config-path string Optional. Path to directory with tensorflow object detection api pipeline configuration files for model optimizer
–progress string Optional. Progress reporter: bar, print or None
-td, –target_devices, –target-devices string Optional. Space-separated list of devices for infer
-tt, –target_tags, –target-tags string Optional. Space-separated list of launcher tags for infer

Specific Command Line Arguments for Calibration Tool

Argument Type Description
-p, –precision string Optional. Precision to calibrate. Default value is INT8
–ignore_layer_types, –ignore-layer-types string Optional. Layer types list which will be skipped during quantization
–ignore_layer_types_path, –ignore-layer-types-path string Optional. Ignore layer types file path
–ignore_layer_names, –ignore-layer-names string Optional. Layer names list which will be skipped during quantization
–ignore_layer_names_path, –ignore-layer-names-path string Optional. Ignore layer names file path
–batch_size, –batch-size integer Optional. Batch size value. If not specified, the batch size value is determined from IR
-th, –threshold float Optional. Accuracy drop of quantized model should not exceed this threshold. Should be pointer in percents without percent sign. (1% is default)
-ic, –benchmark_iterations_count, –benchmark-iterations-count integer Optional. Benchmark itertations count. (1000 is default)
-mn, –metric_name, –metric-name string Optional. Metric name used during calibration
-mt, –metric_type, –metric-type string Optional. Metric type used during calibration
-o, –output_dir, –output-dir string Optional. Directory to store converted models. Original model directory is used if not defined

Model calibration flow


Calibration tool read original FP32 model, calibration dataset and create low precision model. Low precision model has two differences from original model:

  1. Per channel statistics are defined. Statistics have minimum and maximum values for each layer and each channel. Model statistics are stored in Inference Engine intermediate representation file (IR) in XML format.
  2. quantization_level layer attribute is defined. The attribute defines precision which is used during inference.


If you have custom topology with not supported accuracy metric or not suported custom dataset then you should add some components implementation in Python* package yourself. Refer to documentation how to implement metric and dataset support.

There are steps to calibrate and evaluate result model:

Additional optional step before calibration is available to rough estimate possible INT8 performance.

Step #1. Convert data annotation files

Calibration dataset is subset of training dataset. Use Convert Annotation Tool to convert ImageNet* dataset to Calibration Tool readable data annotation files. Data annotation files describe subset of images which are used during calibration. Command line:

python imagenet --annotation_file /datasets/ImageNet/val.txt --labels_file /datasets/ImageNet/synset_words.txt -ss 2000 -o ~/annotations -a imagenet.pickle -m imagenet.json

NOTE: For simplicity all command line tools in below steps use the same command line arguments. In practice Collect Statistics Tool uses calibration dataset, but Accuracy Checker Tool has to use whole validation dataset.

Argument Type Description
–config string Path to the YML file with local configuration
-d string Path to the YML file with definitions
-M string Path to model optimizer directory
–models string Prefix path to the models and weights
–source string Prefix path to the data source
–annotations string Pefix path to the converted annotations and datasets meta data
–converted_models string Directory to store Model Optimizer converted models. Used for DLSDK launcher only

Optional step for low precision model performance estimation.

Before calibration you can roughly estimate low presition performance with Collect Statistics Tool.

Collect Statistics Tool ignores metric in YML configuration file but you can use the same command line arguments.

Command line:

python --config ~/inception_v1.yml -d ~/defenitions.yml -M /home/user/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/model_optimizer --models ~/models --source /media/user/calibration/datasets --annotations ~/annotations --converted_models ~/models

Result model has statistics which allow to infer this model in INT8 precision. To measure performance you can use Benchmark Tool.

Step #2. Calibration

During calibration process, the model is ajusted for efficient quantization and minimization of accuracy drop on calibration dataset. Calibration tool produces calibrated model which will be executed in low precision 8 bit quantzed mode after loading into CPU plugin.

Calibration Tool has flexible and extensible mechanism of enabling new data set and metrics. Each network has its own dedicated network metric and dataset where network was trained. Dataset description and network metrics can be reused for different network.

To plug new dataset you need to develop YML file. To develop new metric you need to develop Python* module implementing metric and describe in YML. Please, refer to Accuracy Checker Tool for details.

Command line example:

python --config ~/inception_v1.yml --definition ~/defenitions.yml -M /home/user/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/model_optimizer --tf_custom_op_config_dir ~/tf_custom_op_configs --models ~/models --source /media/user/calibration/datasets --annotations ~/annotations

Step #3. Result model evaluation

After calibration of the model it worse to evaluate network accuracy on whole validation set using Accuracy Checker Tool.

Step #3.1 Check accuracy

Command line:

python --config ~/inception_v1.yml -d ~/defenitions.yml -M /home/user/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/model_optimizer --tf_custom_op_config_dir ~/tf_custom_op_configs --models ~/models --source /media/user/calibration/datasets --annotations ~/annotations -tf dlsdk -td CPU

Step #3.2 Check performance

Use benchmark_app command line tool to measure latency and throughput for synchronous and asynchronous modes. Note, please, benchmark_app command line tool uses converted OpenVINO* Intermediate Representation model.

Command line for synchronous mode:

./benchmark_app -i <path_to_image>/inputImage.bmp -m <path_to_model>/inception_v1.xml -d CPU -api sync

Command line for the asynchronous mode:

./benchmark_app -i <path_to_image>/inputImage.bmp -m <path_to_model>/inception_v1.xml -d CPU -api async

Optional step to check performance

You can use Python* Benchmark Tool command line tool to quickly check performance with the same command line arguments and configuration YML files as for Calibration Tool.

Command line:

python --config ~/inception_v1.yml -d ~/defenitions.yml -M /home/user/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/model_optimizer --tf_custom_op_config_dir ~/tf_custom_op_configs --models ~/models --source /media/user/calibration/datasets --annotations ~/annotations --converted_models ~/models