Deprecated List
Global InferenceEngine::Blob::buffer () noexcept=0
Cast to MemoryBlob and use new wlock/rwlock API instead. Blob class can represent compound blob, which do not refer to the only solid memory.
Global InferenceEngine::Blob::cbuffer () const noexcept=0
Cast to MemoryBlob and use new MemoryBlob::rmap() function instead. Blob class can represent compound blob, which do not refer to the only solid memory.
Global InferenceEngine::Blob::element_size () const noexcept=0
Cast to MemoryBlob and use its API instead. Blob class can represent compound blob, which do not refer to the only solid memory.
Global InferenceEngine::Blob::product (const SizeVector &dims) noexcept
Cast to MemoryBlob and use its API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::ArgMaxLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::BatchNormalizationLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::ClampLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::ConcatLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::ConstLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::ConvolutionLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::CropLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::CTCGreedyDecoderLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::DeconvolutionLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::DeformableConvolutionLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::DetectionOutputLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::EltwiseLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::ELULayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::FullyConnectedLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::GRNLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::GRUSequenceLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::InputLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::Layer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::LayerDecorator
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::LRNLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::LSTMSequenceLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::MemoryLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::MVNLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::Network
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::NormalizeLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::NormLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::OutputLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::PermuteLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::PoolingLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::PowerLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::PReLULayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::PriorBoxClusteredLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::PriorBoxLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::ProposalLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::PSROIPoolingLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::RegionYoloLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::ReLU6Layer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::ReLULayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::ReorgYoloLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::ResampleLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::ReshapeLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::RNNSequenceLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::ROIPoolingLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::ScaleShiftLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::SigmoidLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::SimplerNMSLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::SoftMaxLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::SplitLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::TanHLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::TileLayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::ValidatorRegisterBase
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Builder::ValidatorsHolder
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::CNNNetReader
Use InferenceEngine::Core::ReadNetwork methods. This API will be removed in 2021.1
Global InferenceEngine::CNNNetwork::AddExtension (InferenceEngine::IShapeInferExtensionPtr extension)
Use Core::AddExtension to add an extension to the library
Global InferenceEngine::CNNNetwork::begin () const
Use CNNNetwork::getFunction() and work with ngraph::Function directly. The method will be removed in 2021.1
Global InferenceEngine::CNNNetwork::end () const
Use CNNNetwork::getFunction() and work with ngraph::Function directly. The method will be removed in 2021.1
Global InferenceEngine::CNNNetwork::getLayerByName (const char *layerName) const
Migrate to IR v10 and work with ngraph::Function directly. The method will be removed in 2021.1
Global InferenceEngine::CNNNetwork::getPrecision () const
Network precision does not make sence, use precision on egdes. The method will be removed in 2021.1
Global InferenceEngine::CNNNetwork::size () const
Use CNNNetwork::layerCount() instead. The method will be removed in 2021.1
Class InferenceEngine::Connection
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::Context
Use ngraph API instead.
Global InferenceEngine::ConvertImageToInput (unsigned char *imgBufRGB8, size_t lengthbytesSize, Blob &input)
InferenceEngine utility functions are not a part of public API. This method will be removed in 2020.4 release.
Global InferenceEngine::copyFromRGB8 (uint8_t *RGB8, size_t RGB8_size, InferenceEngine::TBlob< data_t > *blob)
InferenceEngine utility functions are not a part of public API. This method will be removed in 2020.4 release.
Global InferenceEngine::copyToFloat (float *dst, const InferenceEngine::Blob *src)
InferenceEngine utility functions are not a part of public API. This method will be removed in 2020.4 release.
Global InferenceEngine::Core::SetLogCallback (IErrorListener &listener) const
IErrorListener is not used anymore. An exception is thrown in case of any unexpected situations. The function will be removed in 2021.1 release.
Global InferenceEngine::CreateShapeInferExtension (IShapeInferExtension *&ext, ResponseDesc *resp) noexcept
Migrate to IR v10 and implement shape inference in the ngraph::op::Op::validate_and_infer_types method This API will be removed in 2021.1 release.
Global InferenceEngine::Data::Data (const std::string &name, const SizeVector &a_dims, Precision _precision, Layout layout=NCHW)
Use Data(const std::string &name, const TensorDesc& desc)
Global InferenceEngine::Data::getCreatorLayer ()
Migrate to IR v10 and work with ngraph::Function directly. The method will be removed in 2020.3
Global InferenceEngine::Data::getInputTo ()
Migrate to IR v10 and work with ngraph::Function directly. The method will be removed in 2020.3
Global InferenceEngine::ExecutableNetwork::GetMappedTopology (std::map< std::string, std::vector< PrimitiveInfo::Ptr >> &deployedTopology)
Use ExecutableNetwork::GetExecGraphInfo to get information about an internal graph. This method will be removed in 2021.1 release.
Global InferenceEngine::Extension::getFactoryFor (ILayerImplFactory *&factory, const CNNLayer *cnnLayer, ResponseDesc *resp) noexcept override
Use IExtension::getImplementation to get a concrete implementation. The method will be removed in 2021.1 release.
Global InferenceEngine::Extension::getPrimitiveTypes (char **&types, unsigned int &size, ResponseDesc *resp) noexcept override
Use IExtension::getImplTypes to get implementation types for a particular node. The method will removed in 2021.1 release.
Global InferenceEngine::Extension::getShapeInferImpl (IShapeInferImpl::Ptr &impl, const char *type, ResponseDesc *resp) noexcept override
Implement ngraph::op::Op::validate_and_infer_types method in a custom ngraph operation The method will be removed in 2021.1 release.
Global InferenceEngine::Extension::getShapeInferTypes (char **&types, unsigned int &size, ResponseDesc *resp) noexcept override
Implement ngraph::op::Op::validate_and_infer_types method in a custom ngraph operation The method will be removed in 2021.1 release.
Global InferenceEngine::Extension::SetLogCallback (InferenceEngine::IErrorListener &listener) noexcept override
IErrorListener is not used anymore. StatusCode is provided in case of unexpected situations The method will be removed in 2021.1 release.
Class InferenceEngine::ICNNNetReader
Use InferenceEngine::Core::ReadNetwork methods. This API will be removed in 2021.1
Global InferenceEngine::ICNNNetwork::AddExtension (const IShapeInferExtensionPtr &extension, ResponseDesc *resp) noexcept
Use Core::AddExtension to add an extension to the library
Global InferenceEngine::ICNNNetwork::addLayer (const CNNLayerPtr &layer) noexcept=0
Migrate to IR v10 and work with ngraph::Function directly. The method will be removed in 2021.1
Global InferenceEngine::ICNNNetwork::getData (const char *dname) noexcept=0
Migrate to IR v10 and work with ngraph::Function directly. The method will be removed in 2021.1
Global InferenceEngine::ICNNNetwork::getLayerByName (const char *layerName, CNNLayerPtr &out, ResponseDesc *resp) const noexcept=0
Migrate to IR v10 and work with ngraph::Function directly. The method will be removed in 2021.1
Global InferenceEngine::ICNNNetwork::getName (char *pName, size_t len) const noexcept=0
Use ICNNNetwork::getName() instead. The method will be removed in 2021.1
Global InferenceEngine::ICNNNetwork::getPrecision () const noexcept=0
Network precision does not make sence, use precision on egdes. The method will be removed in 2021.1
Global InferenceEngine::ICNNNetwork::getStats (ICNNNetworkStats **stats, ResponseDesc *resp) const noexcept
Migrate to IR v10 and use quantization approach with FakeQuantize
Class InferenceEngine::ICNNNetworkStats

Migrate to IR v10 and use quantization approach with FakeQuantize

Global InferenceEngine::idx_t
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::IErrorListener
IErrorListener is not used anymore. An exception is thrown / StatusCode set in case of any unexpected situations The class will be removed in 2021.1 release.
Global InferenceEngine::IExecutableNetwork::GetMappedTopology (std::map< std::string, std::vector< PrimitiveInfo::Ptr >> &deployedTopology, ResponseDesc *resp) noexcept=0
Use ExecutableNetwork::GetExecGraphInfo to get information about an internal graph. The method will be removed in 2021.1 release.
Global InferenceEngine::IExtension::getFactoryFor (ILayerImplFactory *&factory, const CNNLayer *cnnLayer, ResponseDesc *resp) noexcept
Use IExtension::getImplementation to get a concrete implementation The method will be removed in 2021.1 release.
Global InferenceEngine::IExtension::getPrimitiveTypes (char **&types, unsigned int &size, ResponseDesc *resp) noexcept
Use IExtension::getImplTypes to get implementation types for a particular node The method will be removed in 2021.1 release.
Class InferenceEngine::IInferencePlugin
Use InferenceEngine::Core instead. Will be removed in 2021.1
Global InferenceEngine::IInferencePlugin::SetLogCallback (IErrorListener &listener) noexcept=0
IErrorListener is not used anymore. StatusCode is provided in case of unexpected situations This API will be removed in 2021.1 release.
Class InferenceEngine::ILayer
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::ILayerImplFactory

Implement IExtension::getImplTypes and IExtension::getImplementation The interface will be removed in 2021.1 release.

Class InferenceEngine::INetwork
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::InferencePlugin
Use InferenceEngine::Core instead. Will be removed in 2020.3
Class InferenceEngine::IShapeInferExtension

Implement a custom ngraph operation derived from ngraph::op::Op in IExtension implementation

Global InferenceEngine::IShapeInferExtension::getShapeInferImpl (IShapeInferImpl::Ptr &impl, const char *type, ResponseDesc *resp) noexcept=0
Implement ngraph::op::Op::validate_and_infer_types method in a custom ngraph operation. The method will be removed in 2021.1 release.
Global InferenceEngine::IShapeInferExtension::getShapeInferTypes (char **&types, unsigned int &size, ResponseDesc *resp) noexcept=0
Implement ngraph::op::Op::validate_and_infer_types method in a custom ngraph operation. The method will be removed in 2021.1 release.
Global InferenceEngine::IShapeInferExtension::SetLogCallback (InferenceEngine::IErrorListener &listener) noexcept
IErrorListener is not used anymore. StatusCode is provided in case of unexpected situations The method will be removed in 2021.1 release.
Global InferenceEngine::IShapeInferExtensionPtr
Migrate to IR v10 and implement shape inference in the ngraph::op::Op::validate_and_infer_types method This API will be removed in 2021.1 release.
Class InferenceEngine::IShapeInferImpl

Implement ngraph::op::Op::validate_and_infer_types method in a custom ngraph operation. The interface will be removed in 2021.1 release.

Global InferenceEngine::make_so_pointer (const file_name_t &name)
Use make_so_pointer with IExtension as template argument type.
Global InferenceEngine::make_so_pointer (const file_name_t &name)
Use make_so_pointer with IExtension as template argument type.
Global InferenceEngine::MemoryBlob::buffer () noexcept override=0
Use wmap() or rwmap() API instead.
Global InferenceEngine::MemoryBlob::cbuffer () const noexcept override=0
Use rmap() function instead.
Class InferenceEngine::NetworkNodeStats

Migrate to IR v10 and use quantization approach with FakeQuantize

Class InferenceEngine::PluginDispatcher
Use InferenceEngine::Core instead. Will be removed in 2021.1
Global InferenceEngine::PluginDispatcher::getPluginByDevice (const std::string &deviceName) const
Use InferenceEngine::Core to work with devices by name
Class InferenceEngine::Port
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::PortData
Use ngraph API instead. This class describes port data
Class InferenceEngine::PortInfo
Use ngraph API instead.
Class InferenceEngine::PrimitiveInfo
Use ExecutableNetwork::GetExecGraphInfo to get information about an internal graph. This structure will be removed in 2021.1 release.
Class InferenceEngine::ShapeInferExtension
Use a common Extension class. The interface will be removed in 2021.1 release.
Class InferenceEngine::TensorInfo

Use ExecutableNetwork::GetExecGraphInfo to get information about an internal graph. This API will be removed in 2021.1 release.

Global InferenceEngine::TopResults (unsigned int n, TBlob< T > &input, std::vector< unsigned > &output)
InferenceEngine utility functions are not a part of public API. This method will be removed in 2020.4 release.
Global InferenceEngine::TopResults (unsigned int n, Blob &input, std::vector< unsigned > &output)
InferenceEngine utility functions are not a part of public API. This method will be removed in 2020.4 release.