CPU Plugin

Introducing CPU Plugin

The CPU plugin was developed in order to provide opportunity for high performance scoring of neural networks on CPU, using the Intel® Math Kernel Library for Deep Neural Networks (Intel® MKL-DNN).

Currently, the CPU plugin uses OpenMP* in order to parallelize calculations.

The set of supported layers can be expanded with the extensibility library. To add a new layer in this library, you can use the extensibility mechanism.

Supported Platforms

OpenVINO™ toolkit is officially supported and validated on the following platforms:

Host OS (64-bit)
Development Ubuntu* 16.04/CentOS* 7.4/MS Windows* 10
Target Ubuntu* 16.04/CentOS* 7.4/MS Windows* 10

The CPU Plugin supports inference on Intel® Xeon® with Intel® AVX2 and AVX512, Intel® Core™ Processors with Intel® AVX2, Intel Atom® Processors with Intel® SSE.

You can use -pc the flag for samples if you would like to know which configuration is used by some layer. This flag shows execution statistics that you can use to get information about layer name, execution status, layer type, execution time and the type of the execution primitive.

Internal CPU Plugin Optimizations

CPU plugin supports several graph optimization algorithms:

Supported Configuration Parameters

The plugin supports the configuration parameters listed below. All parameters must be set with the InferenceEngine::IInferencePlugin::LoadNetwork() method. Refer to the OpenVINO samples for usage examples: Benchmark App.

These are general options, also supported by other plugins: | Parameter name | Parameter values | Default | Description | | :— | :— | :— | :— | | KEY_EXCLUSIVE_ASYNC_REQUESTS | YES/NO NO | Forces async requests (also from different executable networks) to execute serially. This prevents potential oversubscription.| | KEY_PERF_COUNT | YES/NO NO | Enables gathering performance counters. | CPU-specific settings:

Parameter name Parameter values Default Description
KEY_CPU_THREADS_NUM positive integer values 0 Specifies number of threads that CPU plugin should use for inference. Zero (default) means using all (logical) cores
KEY_CPU_BIND_THREAD YES/NO YES Binds inference worker threads to CPU cores. The binding is usually performance friendly, especially in server scenarios. The option also limits number of OpenMP* or Intel(R) TBB threads to the number of hardware cores.
KEY_CPU_THROUGHPUT_STREAMS KEY_CPU_THROUGHPUT_NUMA, KEY_CPU_THROUGHPUT_AUTO, or positive integer values 1 Specifies number of streams. Upper bound for a number of inference requests that can be executed simulteneously. All available CPU cores are evenly distributed between the streams. The default value is 1, which implies latency-oriented behaviour with all available cores processing requests one by one.
KEY_CPU_THROUGHPUT_NUMA creates as many streams as needed to accomodate NUMA and avoid associated penalties.
KEY_CPU_THROUGHPUT_AUTO creates bare minimum of streams to improve the performance; this is the most portable option if you don't know how many cores your target machine has (and what would be the optimal number of streams).
A positive integer value creates the requested number of streams.

See Also